Edina - Power Generation Specialists for Gas-fired &descriptiondes Diesel Power Plants

Edina reaches milestone of 500MWe installed gas capacity

Written by Edina | Nov 30, 2017

We are delighted to announce our biggest milestone to date, in achieving over 500 megawatts (MW) of electrical installed gas capacity across the UK and Ireland.

In 2006, Edina was awarded the official distributor for MWM gas engine technology in the UK and Ireland. This milestone, achieved in under 11 years’, demonstrates our drive and commitment in delivering leading decentralised energy solutions.

Our first MWM gas engine order was secured in 2006 at Leeds General Infirmary Hospital. The contract included the supply and installation of a 3.9MWe combined heat and power (CHP) plant to power the hospital site and some University buildings, whilst reducing the hospitals energy costs and carbon emissions.

Eleven years’ on, we now have over 230 power generation projects across the UK, Ireland and Australia operating on natural gas, biogas, landfill gas, sewage gas and greenhouse applications.

These gas applications, when used as fuel in an MWM reciprocating gas engine, simultaneously produce electricity, heat and steam. The energy produced offers a low cost, sustainable solution and helps keep the lights on within power critical infrastructures such as hospitals, universities, public, commercial and industrial buildings and airports.

With a portfolio spanning a number of high profile clients, our power generation solutions have supported Thames Water, E.ON, pharmaceutical giant, Bausch + Lomb, Arla Foods, Gateshead District Council, the NHS Trust, waste management company, Biffa, BBC’s MediaCityUK and Dublin Airport, amongst many others, to reduce their energy costs, carbon emissions and maintain security of power supply.

To help maintain security of supply and balance the electricity grid, we are one of the UK’s leading suppliers, installers and maintenance providers for peak-lopping power plants with over 190MWe installed generation and a further 110MWe in build. Peak-lopping power plants operate when supply from solar and wind renewable power cannot meet the demand placed on the electricity grid during peak times of the day.

Tony Fenton Joint Managing Director, comments; “Achieving 500MWe installed capacity in just under 11 years’ is an outstanding milestone for Edina, and is a testament to our commitment, determination, and dedication in delivering leading energy solutions for our clients.”

High energy users can benefit through on-site generation, reducing their reliance on the electricity grid network. As network charges continue to rise, the installation of a gas powered engine can be used to produce electricity, heat, steam and cooling, through combined heat and power application, and mitigate against these costs and maintain security of power supply in the event of a mains failure.