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Team Edina raise nearly £3K for Manchester Mind

Written by Edina | Dec 11, 2018

Members of Edina’s Manchester office took part in coast to coast cycle ride in September 2018.

The 170 mile cycle from Glannaventa Roman Bath House in Ravenglass to Arbeia Roman Fort, South Shields was in aid of charities Manchester Mind and MS Society. As a result, Edina raised £5,821.76 for both charities, with £2,910.88 donated to local mental health charity, Manchester Mind.

Manchester Mind, Fundraising Manager, Joanna Huddart visited Edina’s Manchester office and shared how our support contributed across four of its many support services:


A dignified alternative to food banks for people with poor mental health and difficulty in accessing fresh food.


For young people aged 15-25 in Manchester who are struggling with mental health issues. Based within their own internet café, the project is a sanctuary where young people can share difficulties, get information, advice and support, including welfare advice, one to one counselling, mentoring and volunteering opportunities. Many young people become speakers to deliver awareness sessions in local schools and colleges.

Peer Support

A safe place to share, understand and give mutual support to people who are struggling with their mental health. The groups are run by peer volunteers who have experienced mental health difficulties themselves. All three peer groups have been planned and developed in a co-productive way, meaning peer volunteers have been involved in the whole process.

Advice Team

Free and impartial advice on welfare benefits, debt and housing to people with mental health needs living in Manchester.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Fundraising Manager, Joanna Huddart at Manchester Mind, said; “Mental health affects us all at different stages of our life, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, income or class.  Edina’s brave charity efforts have made a real difference, as we raise all our own funds to keep local services accessible to over 5000 people. Thank you for being for those who are struggling this year.”

Edina, Head of Human Resources, Victoria Keys, commented; “We recognise employee health and wellbeing is fundamental to creating a working environment in which our employees can thrive. Our focus on wellbeing in the workplace has inspired colleagues to get active to support local charities, such as Manchester Mind. It is heartening to see our small contribution has made such a positive impact to the community in Manchester.”

Victoria Keys, concludes; “We have recently partnered with Health Matters, a Public Health Agency funded initiative, with the aim of improving health and wellbeing within the workplace. We have selected and trained Health Champions as part to of the initiative to focus and assess our health & wellbeing strategy across the group.”

For more information about Manchester Mind and how to get involved, please visit www.manchestermind.org